Free Women 5

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‘Well, how’s Marion?’

‘She’s bought a dress shop in Knightsbridge. She’s going to sell good clothes - you know, good clothes as distinct from smart clothes? She’s already surrounded by a gaggle of little queers who exploit her, and she adores them and she giggles a lot and drinks just a little too much, and thinks they are ever such fun.’

Molly’s hands lay on her lap, fitted together at the fingertips, exercising malicious no-comment.


‘And how about your American?’

‘Well I had an affair with him.’

‘Not the most sensible thing you ever did, I should have thought.’ Anna laughed.

‘What’s funny?’

‘Getting married to a man who has a house in Hampstead is going to make you very remote from the emotional rat-race.’

‘Yes, thank God.’

‘I’m going to take a job.’

‘You mean, you’re not going to write?’


Molly turned away, and flipped omelettes on to plates, filling a basket with bread. She determinedly said nothing.

‘Do you remember Dr North?’ said Anna.

‘Of course.’

‘He’s starting a sort of marriage welfare centre - half-official, half-private. He says three-quarters of the people who come to him with aches and pains are in fact in trouble with their marriages. Or lack of marriages.’

‘And you’re going to dish out good advice.’

‘Something like that. And I’m going to join the Labour Party and teach a night-class twice a week for delinquent kids.’

Free Women 5

UK Edition
US Edition


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