• CommentAuthoradmin
    • CommentTimeNov 20th 2008

    This thread is for discussions about Page 278 of the online edition of The Golden Notebook, and the readers' comments. Please show a courteous regard for the presence of other voices in the discussion. We reserve the right to edit or delete comments that do not adhere to this standard.

    ...'I’ve been forced to acknowledge that the flashes of genuine art are all out of deep, suddenly stark, undisguisable private emotion. Even in translation there is no mistaking these lightning flashes of genuine personal feeling. And I read this dead stuff praying that just once there may be a short story, a novel, even an article, written wholly from genuine personal feeling.'

    This is a definition of literature (not just writing, or journalism, or blogging or ...) and specifically the writing that came from the 60s & the women's movement ... it came from genuine, deep, pained feeling, not from intellectual cleverness or theory or storytelling. And not from ideology either.